4 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads
A wearer of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads becomes more knowledgeable since his powers of concentration and learning are increased manifold as well as his memory power also increases therefore he can retain whatever knowledge he acquires.
Benefits of Wearing 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads
4 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads Improve Oratory and writing skills of the wearer Increases the wit and intelligence of the wearer Removes malefic energy effects of planet Mercury Excellent for students, scientists, and management executives or professionals. Medical Treatments for Diseases such as Blood Circulation, Cough, Brain Linked Illness, Asthma, Hesitate, Memory Lapse, Respiratory Strip Problems, etc.
Ruling God: Brahma
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Wearing Mantra: वाक्रांतांह्राँईं॥
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